馬來西亞撤回新型水產品隔熱箱限制規定馬來西亞管理新型裝載水產品容器爭議,在農業及農業相關產業部長Datuk Mustapa介入邀集水產品進口商協商後,隨即於近日宣布撤回只能由一位供應商提供水產品隔熱箱的限制規定後表示,進口商可以自行決定是否使用新型隔熱室內設計箱,也會促請政府盡快公佈已使用者補償方案,事件至此總算和平落幕。 部長進一步表示,政府多年來對於提升進口水產品品質管理不遺餘力,並早於2006年馬來西亞漁業發展局(LKIM)即有就管理水產品進口商使用隔熱箱進行討論,卻因考量會提高水產品進口商營運成房屋二胎本而延宕在案。此次2009年3月1日生效的管理規定公佈後,引發水產品進口商停止自鄰國進口生鮮水產品作為抗議,而水產品進口商、出口商與零售商的聯合大罷工,也造成全國有些市場因此漁獲短缺,價格飛漲2-3成。相信在公佈新規定後,水產品貨源與供應價亦將逐步宜蘭民宿恢復正常。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News NO. 5/2009,16 March 2009) THE USE OF THE NEW INSULATED FISH BOX IS NOW VOLUNTARYThe controversy over the new fish container ruling ended after the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister 信用貸款DatukMustapa Mohamed stepped in, to settle the dispute. The minister announced recently to rescind with immediate effectthe decision compelling the use of insulated fish containers sourced only from one supplier. After a meeting with 商務中心severalfish importers, the Minister said that the importers can use the new insulated container on a voluntary basis. Thosealready using the boxes can expect incentives from the government to be announced soon and the issue over the use 宜蘭民宿ofthe new container is now considered closed, he said.In 2006, the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) had come up with the ruling on the use of insulatedcontainers for fish imports, but put it off following strong 宜蘭民宿objections from fish importers as it led to higher operatingcosts.Datuk Mustapa said his ministry was trying its best for years to implement the directive as it wanted to increase thequality of imported fish. Following the ruling which 清境became effective from 1 March 2009, fish importers protested bystopping the importation of fresh fish from neighbouring countries. As a result, there was a shortage of fish and pricessoared between 20% and 30% in several markets 台灣房屋nationwide after fish importers, exporters and wholesalers went onstrike. With this new ruling, fish supplies and the prices are expected to be back to normal.

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